Parents & Guardians
The Parent-Teacher relationship is a partnership, with teachers and parents coming together over the profound responsibility of educating and nurturing the healthy development of a child.
Maintaining a trusting and healthy relationship requires that parents discuss any classroom concerns with the teacher first. It is the teacher’s responsibility to be available and to listen to parent concerns in an objective way. It is the parent’s responsibility to share their concerns in a respectful manner. A commitment by all members of the school community to participate in respectful relationships ensures open, honest, and timely communication.
If parents believe their concerns are not being heard or acknowledged by a teacher, they may bring unresolved questions or concerns to the High School Principal who will work with the teacher(s) and parents towards a positive resolution.
School Tool
Long Island High School for the Arts uses schooltool as its student management system. All management systems have similar components; they house demographic, programmatic, and achievement information about our students. Using a management system such as schooltool allows us to streamline our communications to families, and makes sharing information about students more efficient and accurate within the school community.
The Parent Portal is open for you to view your child’s schedule, grades, and report cards. We invite you to log-in to schooltool to view your child’s account.
If there are any inaccuracies, we are ready to address them right away, but we need you to be our partners in this effort by notifying us immediately of any errors that you may notice, or any difficulties you may have in the registration and login process. The best way to let us know for now is to email us at: lrogan@nasboces.org
How to Login to School Tool
Step 1: Go to this website.
Step 2: Your username is the email you have on file with the school.
Step 3: Enter our temporary password (E-mailed to you)
Step 4: Once you login, be sure to change your temporary password.
If you experience any difficulty logging in, please email Lindsay Rogan: lrogan@nasboces.org
School Tool: Parent Portal Tutorial