Dismissal Diaries with Ms. Giglio Pac: Al Lazar
If you think bus dismissals aren’t fun, you clearly haven’t experienced this daily process with Ms. Giglio Pac, LIHSA’s Assistant Principal.
This new blog will feature news, ideas, or thoughts from a LIHSA Student as they share a few moments of quality time with Ms. Giglio Pac during the hectic time of bus dismissal.
Read on and enjoy this slice of LIHSA Life!
April 8, 2022
This week Al Lazar, a senior from West Hempstead, spent time time with Ms. Giglio Pac to discuss some of his recent exciting projects!
Al learned that he is one of two incoming freshman students at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) to be awarded their prestigious Silas H Rhodes scholarship. This is a merit scholarship based on his portfolio and academic performance, and Al and his family are very grateful to the faculty and staff at LIHSA who helped prepare him for this wonderful success.
The school notified Al of this award on April 1st, giving him pause that the notice might be an April Fool’s joke. Fortunately, it was real!
SVA is Al’s Dream School and he intends to focus on cartooning.
Check out some of Al’s beautiful cartooning pieces.
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