Long Island High School for the Arts
LAST On Campus Open House for the 2020-21 School Year!
*Each Session is Limited to 50 people. Please, only register if you know you will be in attendance, so as not to take a space from another family who wishes to attend.
Open House Schedule
Saturday, March 20, 2021 from 11:00-3:20 PM
11:00-3:20 Registration Desk, LIHSA Materials and Summer Information with Nobile, Mallon, and Petrocelli at table outside Main Theatre.
Session #1:
11:00-11:20: Welcome & Admissions Overview- Main Theatre with Dr. Rogutsky, Principal
11:20-11:40: Student Led Tours with students from National Arts Honor Societies
11:40-12:00: Technique Class or Informational Chat- Select from options below
12:10-12:20: Discussion by Program Strands with LIHSA Faculty & Students
Session #2:
12:30-12:50: Welcome & Admissions Overview- Main Theatre with Dr. Rogutsky, Principal
12:50-1:10: Student Led Tours with students from National Arts Honor Societies
1:10-1:30: Technique Class or Informational Chat- Select from options below
1:30-1:50: Discussion by Program Strands with LIHSA Faculty & Students
Session #3:
2:00-2:20: Welcome & Admissions Overview- Main Theatre with Dr. Rogutsky, Principal
2:20-2:40: Student Led Tours with students from National Arts Honor Societies
2:40-3:00: Technique Class or Informational Chat- Select from options below
3:00-3:20: Discussion by Program Strands with LIHSA Faculty & Students

Technique Class or Informational Chat (choose one)
Session #1: 11:00-12:20
- Performance Arts: Modern Dance Technique with Ms. L’Etoile
- Performance Arts: Broadway Theatre Dance with Mr. Brick
- Performance Arts: The Singer Songwriter Experience with Dr. Stuckenbruck
- Visual & Media Arts: Figure Drawing with Mr. Cuvelier
- Sonic Arts: The Digital Music Landscape with Mr. Cocheo
- Game Design: Build a Character with Mr. Chocianowski
- Expressive Arts & Human Development with Ms. Colesanti
- Admissions: How to Apply, Audition Process & Parent Advocacy with Dr. Rogutsky & Mrs. Giglio Pac
Session #2: 12:30-1:50
- Performance Arts: Modern Dance Technique with Ms. L’Etoile
- Performance Arts: Broadway Theatre Dance with Mr. Brick
- Performance Arts: The Singer Songwriter Experience with Mr. Cocheo
- Visual & Media Arts: Film Production at LIHSA with Mr. Cuvelier
- Production & Managerial: Build a Puppet from Avenue Q with Mr. Chocianowski
- Sonic Arts: The Digital Music Landscape with Dr. Stuckenbruck
- Expressive Arts & Human Development with Ms. Colesanti
- Admissions: How to Apply, Audition Process & Parent Advocacy with Dr. Rogutsky & Mrs. Giglio Pac
Session #3: 2:00-3:20
- Performance Arts: Modern Dance Technique with Ms. L’Etoile
- Performance Arts: Broadway Theatre Dance with Mr. Brick
- Performance Arts: The Singer Songwriter Experience with Mr. Cocheo
- Visual & Media Arts: Figure Drawing with Mr. Cuvelier
- Sonic Arts: The Digital Music Landscape with Dr. Stuckenbruck
- Game Design: Build a Character with Mr. Chocianowski
- Expressive Arts & Human Development with Ms. Colesanti
- Admissions: How to Apply, Audition Process & Parent Advocacy with Dr. Rogutsky & Mrs. Giglio Pac
Discussion by Program Strands (choose one)
Program Strand Discussion Options
- Performing Arts
- Dance with Ms. L’Etoile
- Music with Mr. Cocheo
- Theatre/ Musical Theatre Group A with Mr. Brick
- Theatre/ Musical Theatre Group A with Ms. Colesanti
- Visual & Media Arts with Mr. Cuvelier
- Production & Managerial Arts with Mr. Nobile
- Sonic Arts with Dr. Stuckenbruck
- Game Design with Mr. Chocianowski
- Expressive Arts & Human Development with Dr. Rogutsky